Monday, January 28, 2013


I am blown away by God's sovereignty.

I mean, just sitting back to consider how perfect God's divine plan for each of our lives is brings me to my knees in complete worship. God intimately knows every single person on the planet better than they know themselves. He can speak to me in a way that no one else ever can. 

He has loved you more in a moment than other lovers could in a lifetime.

Whenever I get to go to someplace new I always find myself thinking about this overwhelming fact of God. There are so many people in the world, everyone has their own lives, own thoughts, own desires. And yet, God has the power to whisper into each one's heart and draw them closer to Himself. No one is too far away for His gentle touch to reach. Not even the drunk on the street I just passed. Not the prostitute on the street corners late at night. Not the business man driving through town. Not the Bible college student. 

We are all in the same desperate need of Christ and the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit. 

I have been in Costa Rica for almost a week now and I am falling....falling in love with the people, the culture and the way of life. Everyone is so friendly and  easy-going. I speak very little and broken Spanish, but everyone I have talked to is so gracious and helps me through my poor sentences. 

As kind as the people are here, there is still such a great need for the redeeming power of Jesus Christ. This area is run by tradition, which can sometimes lead to hardened or uninterested hearts. Everyone here knows about Jesus Christ because Catholicism is the main religion. Helping the Ticos (locals) to understand the difference between the old religion and Christ's freeing salvation is difficult. But my heart has been so encouraged to meet some of the believers in the area! We host a Sunday Bible study for the community at the school and many Ticos came to hear the living Word of God. We worshipped, fellowshipped and laughed late into the night. I love my new brothers and sisters in Christ. God is doing a great work here! The Holy Spirit keeps reminding me of Isaiah 55:8-9:

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. for as high as the heavens are above the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. 

Everything the Lord does is completely perfect in it's own time. So I am just praising His holy name because of what He has done, what He is doing and what He will continue to do in San Isidro. He is so worthy of all glory, honor and praise and I pray that my life is a reflection of this. 

Dear brothers and sisters, seek after Jesus! Oh He is so sweet and beautiful and we have only seen a glimpse of His goodness! I am so thankful that He has forgiven my ugly sins and removed the burden of guilt from my shoulders and replaced it with joy that is new every morning! Please pray that through the students and staff at CCBC the community of San Isidro would also come to know Christ's peace that surpasses all understanding.

Thank you so much for your prayers, encouragement and support. 

Pura Vida!

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